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Hemos localizado un total de 23 libros disponibles para descargar

Guerra de Granada

Autor: Alonso Palencia

Número de Páginas: 288

Este es el libro mas celebre de Alonso de Palencia, una cronica de la conquista de Granada, ultimo enclave del mundo islamico en Espana. Merece atencion la perversa astucia psicologica de Fernando de Castilla, quien estrecha lentamente el cerco en torno a Granada y no duda, en unas ocasiones, en decapitar a los moriscos defensores de las poblaciones cercanas a la ciudad mientras que, en otras oportunidades, se muestra magnanimo, perdona vidas y respeta las propiedades de estos.

Próspera fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna

Autor: Antonio Mira De Amescua

Número de Páginas: 98

Próspera fortuna de don Álvaro de Luna es una comedia teatral del dramaturgo Antonio Mira de Amescua. La historia se articula en torno al hijo bastardo del copero mayor del rey Enrique III y a las dificultades que encuentra para progresar en la vida hasta alcanzar el estatus que merece. Antonio Mira de Amescua es un poeta y dramaturgo español nacido en Guadix (Grandada) en 1577 y fallecido en la misma localiad en 1644. Enmarcado en el Siglo de Oro Español, su obra teatral entronca directamente con el auto sacramental, la comedia religiosa y el costumbrismo. Escribió más de sesenta obras que le valieron gran renombre, siempre desde un punto de vista cristiano y adscrito a la moral de su época.

¡El verano es divertido! (Summer Is Fun!)

Autor: Walt K. Moon

Número de Páginas: 24

La escuela está fuera, y también lo es el sol, ¡es verano! Fotos frescas y vibrantes atraen a los jóvenes lectores a aprender acerca de esta cálida y soleada temporada. Las preguntas de pensamiento crítico y otras grandes características hacen que esta edición en español sea una excelente introducción a la lectura de no ficción para niños. School's out, and so is the sun—it's summer! Carefully leveled text and fresh, vibrant photos engage young readers in learning about this warm, sunny season. Age-appropriate critical thinking questions and other great features make this Spanish-language edition an excellent introduction to nonfiction reading for children.

Serpientes de cerca

Autor: Christopher Blazeman

Número de Páginas: 28

Do you think a snake would make a good pet? This fact-filled, Spanish-translated title uses bright, vivid images in conjunction with descriptive and informative language to let readers decide if they think these cold-blooded reptiles would make good pets.


Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 34

Living things depend on one another. Insects, water, and wind help plants grow new plants. Learn about pollination with this Spanish science reader that features easy-to-read text and introduces students to important scientific concepts and topics. Nonfiction text features include a glossary, index, and detailed images to facilitate close reading and help students connect back to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the book also includes a fun and engaging science experiment to develop critical thinking and help students practice what they have learned.

De mar a radiante mar

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 14

From forests to beaches, from swamps to cities, there’s so much to see and do in America! Join a family as they travel from sea to shining sea. This wordless picture book features beautiful illustrations that encourage children to use their own words to tell the story, developing their language and reading skills. The Spanish title will appeal to English language learners.

¡Comunícate! Las letras de las canciones pop

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 35

Pop on over, pop open this book, and pop into the world of pop song lyrics! Pop is short for popular, and pop songs are the ones that everyone is singing. But what makes them pop? And how much popping does it take until everyone wants to sing along? This Spanish nonfiction book breaks down what makes a successful pop song, and will keep students engaged in reading as they build their literacy, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Important text features include a glossary, index, and table of contents. The Reader's Guide and culminating activity require students to connect back to the text as they develop their higher-order thinking skills. Check It Out! provides resources for additional reading and learning. With TIME For Kids content, this book aligns with national and state standards and will keep grade 3 students reading from cover to cover.

Cómo se hace una momia (Making a Mummy)

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 35

What happens after death? That was a big question for ancient Egyptians. They believed that a person needed his or her body in death as much as in life. So they did all they could to preserve and protect the body. For them, preparing for life after death was an important part of life! Learn about the science behind mummification with this book created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution. This Smithsonian Informational Text builds students' reading skills while engaging their curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides students through every step of the engineering design process, from the initial research and brainstorming sessions, through the design and testing stages, to the evaluation and improvement of the outcome. It makes STEAM career connections by providing a glimpse into the life of a real person currently working in a STEAM field. Discover engineering innovations that solve real-world problems with this book that touches on all aspects of STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math!

La historia del helado: Suma

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 23

Learn addition as you read a brief history of ice cream! Beginning readers will enjoy learning addition within 10 with this deliciously illustrated book. With bright images and easy-to-read text, this Spanish book develops students' math and reading skills and introduces them to early STEM themes. The Math Talk section includes questions that will increase understanding of basic math and reading concepts and develop students' speaking and listening skills. Learning math is fun and easy with this engaging text!

¿La casa de quién? (Whose House?)

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 14

Entice your future architects with this beautifully illustrated Spanish picture book featuring different types of houses. Early readers will learn size and shape as they compare Craftsman, Victorian, Tudor, and Mid-Century Modern homes. Kindergartners will increase early reading skills and reading comprehension through Spanish sight words and repetitive phrases. Perfect for both native Spanish speakers and those learning Spanish as a second language, this book helps students achieve proficiency in Spanish.

La crisis de la alta cultura en Cuba

Autor: Jorge Mañach Robato

Número de Páginas: 42

La crisis de la alta cultura en Cuba es un ensayo de Jorge Mañach marcado por la frustración de los ideales republicanos en Cuba. En el pensamiento de Mañach la alta cultura es el "conjunto organizado de manifestaciones superiores del entendimiento" y "la formación de la alta cultura en los pueblos jóvenes suele estar condicionada por la aparición de un ideal de independencia y de peculiaridad —es decir, de independencia política, como Estado, y de independencia social, como nación—. Una vez realizados esos dos ideales, la cultura propende a su conservación y ahínco. Así, en Francia, la cultura nos parece superior, y lo es en realidad, porque la hallamos siempre puesta al servicio de una personalidad colectiva ya cuajada". Sin tales condiciones de independencia y peculiaridad las sociedades y las naciones solo producen "meros eruditos de sociedad colonial, hidalgos leídos, pero sin ningún anhelo riguroso de disciplina, de perfección, de aplicación práctica del saber; y lo que es más importante: sin ninguna aspiración ideal suficientemente concreta que hiciera de sus elucubraciones verdaderos aportes a un acervo de cultura". La crisis de la alta cultura en...

Máquinas creativas

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 23

A Rube Goldberg machine is designed to perform a simple task through a series of elaborate steps. These simple machines are named after Reuben “Rube” Goldberg, an American cartoonist, engineer, and inventor. Learn how these fun machines work and ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this informational text features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Perfect for school reports and projects, this Spanish book is ideal for English language learners.

Salir del cascarón

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 35

Take a virtual tour of the Smithsonian! With this Spanish book, you’ll spend a day in the life of a bird keeper and learn how they are “hatching” new plans to help endangered birds. English language learners will read about how an egg hatches, the incubation period, and bird species such as the Kiwi, the emperor penguin, and the Guam rail. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields.

¿Qué hay para cenar? (What's For Dinner?) eBook

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 14

Early readers will be captivated by the pages of this beautifully illustrated Spanish picture book as they learn about the food chain. Kindergartners will increase early reading skills and reading comprehension through Spanish sight words, a rhyming story, and repetitive phrases. Perfect for both native Spanish speakers and those learning Spanish as a second language, this book helps students achieve proficiency in Spanish.

Las inundaciones y las ventiscas

Autor: William B. Rice

Número de Páginas: 36

Floods and blizzards may be very different, but they do have some things in common. In this Spanish book, readers will discover they have one vital ingredient in common: water. Readers will learn the powerful forces of water as it pertains to floods and blizzards. They also discover that although these two forces of nature can cause difficulties for people, they are nature's way of cleaning up and re-nourishing the land.

Dos Ángeles Caídos

Autor: Pedro Antonio De Alarcón

Número de Páginas: 156

Libro de relatos y poemas de uno de los más célebres autores de la España del siglo XIX.


Autor: Manuel De Zequeira Y Arango

Número de Páginas: 55

Manuel de Zequeira está considerado el primer poeta cubano, gran conocedor de la lírica, pionero en asumir el cultivo de la poesía de forma sistemática y sin la improvisación de sus predecesores; llegó a superar en calidad y originalidad a sus coetáneos hispanoamericanos y peninsulares. Escribió poesía épica-heroica y también satírica y moralizante; pero sus dos obras más celebradas son el soneto «La Ilusión» y la «Oda de la Piña», escrita en medio del proceso de nacimiento de la identidad nacional cubana y el inicio de un tipo de poesía localista. «Oda de la Piña» es uno de sus poemas más celebrados de su trayectoria poética ensalza esta fruta como símbolo de la isla de Cuba. En esta composición bucólica Zequeira crea una biografía fantástica de la piña desde que nace hasta que la llevan al Olimpo, donde triunfa y es aclamada por todos los dioses. Ésta antología de Poemas de Manuel de Zequeira comprende lo mejor de su obra.


Autor: Manuel De Zequeira Y Arango

Número de Páginas: 0

Ésta es una antología de uno de los primeros poetas de Cuba. Manuel de Zequeira tuvo una formación variada. Hizo estudios clásicos, fue militar y colaboró en numerosas publicaciones de La Habana. Murió sumido en la locura.

La entretenida (Anotado)

Autor: Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Con dos intrigas amorosas: la de Marcela y don Antonio, frustrada por don Ambrosio, pisaverde conquistador que desprestigia a la dama, y la de la otra Marcela, hermana de don Antonio, pretendida por Cardenio, que finge ser su primo indiano, Silvestre de Armendárez. El verdadero primo descubre la impostura y desbarata los planes de Cardenio. Tampoco la criada Cristina logrará su matrimonio con lacayos o criados, por frívola y engreída.

¡Sin resolver! Misterios de la historia

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 28

History is full of unsolved crimes, mysterious disappearances, and strange sightings. Readers will discover some of the most well-known mysteries in history--including Amelia Earhart, Big Foot, and the Salem Witch Trials--in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Featuring detailed images, intriguing facts, and informational text in conjunction with a glossary of terms and an index, readers will be enthralled from beginning to end!

Chicas y chicos malos del Lejano Oeste

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 36

Robbery, gunfights, murder--outlaws ran rampant all across the Wild West! Readers will be introduced to some of the most famous robbers and outlaws of the Wild West in this enthralling, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. With vivid images, informational text, and incredible facts and stories about such well-known figures as Billy the Kid, Butch Cassidy, and Jesse James, readers will be engaged from cover to cover!

Casas alrededor del mundo

Autor: Dona Herweck Rice

Número de Páginas: 20

Learn about the different places that people call home--from apartments to cottages and castles to farmhouses. With bright, vivid photos and easy-to-read informational text, this Spanish-translated nonfiction title introduces readers to different cultures' definitions of "home."

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